Sunday, September 2, 2007

Merdeka Day... at last

So that's it?? That's all that Malaysia can offer to celebrate 50 yrs of independence

After all the pomp and ceremony has died down what has Malaysia got to show for the Celebration of 50 yrs of self government?

A lot of transitory celebrations, flower shows, fireworks, parades and flags flags and more flags. Did I forget the ferris wheel and the oft delayed Russian space shuttle? It seems to me all so shallow and disappointing...

The media have been doing nothing but look backwards at an often "not too illustrious" past. As they continue to sanitise previous PM's and politicians so that they can be elevated to the status of demigods.

Where is the country that should be looking to the future? I would have thought this year was a time to be looking forward to a great and rewarding future instead of burying your head in the sand and reliving past glories.

The only comment about the future I noticed in my newspaper was a comment about the Brits working with the Malaysians to develop a joint future together. It did occur to me that it might be a joke but then I realised its not April 1st.

Where is the tangible proof that the 50th celebrations are celebrations for the people of Malaysia... the Malaysians. Couldn't the government have come up with one simple project that would be worthwhile in the long term and benefit everybody such as a major specialist hospital serving the whole nation.... Free of charge

Where are the noble ventures by commercial firms and GLC's to add their input to the Nation's Celebrations... Some projects which come to mind are potable water and schools for all orang asli villages, restoration of some sadly neglected but still beautiful traditional Malay houses and chinese shop houses, religious buildings and I could go on an on and on. There are so many things in Malaysia that need to be done and could have been done in this year of celebrations.

There appeared to be no funds available for community groups to develop their own projects in the fields of heritage, the environment, arts and culture etc etc... Projects over and above the responsibilities of government

Instead, all I see is extravagance and obscene waste... with nothing to show after all the flags are torn down and the litter cleared away

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